Type of MusicianMusic Tutor
Type of InstrumentViolin Family
DistrictKowloon City District
Musician Overview
生於香港,於2003年入讀香港演藝學院,主修中提琴,師承黃衛明和馬忠為教授,並於2003年考獲文憑證書和2008年榮譽學士學位。在學期間更考獲貝隸復紀念獎學金,畢業後以優異成績(97/100)考獲聖三一小提琴中級LTCL演奏文憑。在2015年,林氏遠赴德國巴特埃爾斯特學習大師班,師承Pauline Sachse。並於2019年開始就讀香港中文大學的音樂碩士課程。
授課語言: 廣東話、普通話及英文
上課地點: 九龍城土瓜灣區及大圍區
聯絡電話 / Whatsapp: 61833082Mr Lam
Born in Hong Kong. Lam studied in Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts since 2003 as a viola performance major and obtained the Diploma of music and Bachelor of Music in 2005 and 2008 consecutively.And obtained the Berrisford Memorial Scholarship during the study and LTCL violin (recital)after graduate. On Feb 2015, Lam has been to Bad Elster in Germany to have the Chursächsischen Masterclass by Professor Pauline Sachse.Lam is the viola tutti of City Chamber of Hong Kong, violist of the Composers Guild Ensemble and has been the guest principal of viola of Pan-Asia Symphony Orchestra.
Besides, Lam teaches violin and viola in Sscps, St Paul Catholic Primary School, Pui Ching Primary School for recent.Also he is the part time violin and viola tutor in Music Office and Hong Long Childrens Strings

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