Type of MusicianMusic Tutor
Type of InstrumentMusic Theory
GenderNot Specified
Musician Overview
Experienced, bilingual & qualified piano teacher.
經驗資深鋼琴女教師,持有:Holder of all 3 ABRSM Piano Performance Diplomas, including:
*Fellowship of the Royal Schools of Music (FRSM)
每年所有樂器在香港及全球極少人考獲之 英國皇家音樂學院 最高之 鋼琴演奏 院士文憑
*LRSM in Piano Performance (High Pass)
英國皇家音樂學院 鋼琴演奏 高級文憑
*Advanced Certificate in Piano Performance
*Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Music
In Theory of Music:
*LMusTCL, Trinity College London 英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院音樂理論高級文憑
*AMusTCL, Trinity College London 英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院音樂理論肄業文憑
*ABRSM Grade 8 Theory of Music 英國皇家音樂學院8級樂理證書
-本人的耳朵天生已擁有絕對音準 (absolute pitch),如果學生彈錯音或在Aural 中的 singing tests 唱走音便會立即知道,並加以指導。
Born with absolute pitch.
- Teaching & accompanying experience for exams, competitions and recitals since 2002.
有耐心, 細心,盡責。
-Patient and responsible.
-Advice on choosing suitable repertoire for your exams.
由 2006 年起學生之鋼琴4-8級優異考試成績 (Distinction) :
部分學生由2013年起的 ATCL, LTCL 及 DipABRSM 考試成績:
註: 本人2020年8月有一名13歲中一男生以71%考獲LTCL佳績!(他小學五年級已經考獲ATCL!)
由於他是參加錄影考試的, 所以未能提供成績參考。
2012-2018年之間其中8位學生之八級樂理優良(Merit) 考試成績:
I hereby offer for all ages:
誠意教授各年齡:1. PIANO lessons at all levels from beginners, returners, grades 1-8 to various diploma levels (ARSM/ATCL/DipABRSM/LTCL/LRSM/FTCL)
各級鋼琴課程: 初學,1-8級,8級以上文憑級課程: 包括 ARSM/ATCL/DipABRSM/LTCL/LRSM/FTCL2. THEORY lessons for complete beginners & ABRSM Grades 1-8. Non-pianists are welcome. Individual or group tuition. Assist students in preparing for their ABRSM Grade 5 or 8 examinations.
不設教授 AMusTCL 及 LMusTCL。3. PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT REHEARSALS for all instrumental & vocal examinations at all levels:
including ABRSM Grade 1-8, ATCL/LTCL/FTCL, DipABRSM/LRSM/FRSM. Other occassions as well.
伴奏費用 Accompaniment rehearsal rates:
ARSM/ATCL/DipABRSM: $500/hour
LTCL/LRSM: $550-600/hour
the annual Hong Kong School Music Festival in Febrary/March & other occasions.
Fluent Cantonese & English speaker.
Tuition fee: negotiable by phone/whatsapp
請注意: 每天晚上六時半後不設授課。
Not convenient to teach everyday after 6:30 p.m.
Location of lessons: at the start of Tai Hang Road, behind the HK Central Library in the Causeway Bay/Tin Hau areas. Parking available.
The location is only 2- to 10 minute-walk from a number of famous schools including the True Light Middle School of HK, Queens College, Li Sing (Tai Hang) Primary School, St. Pauls' Convent School, Ho Tung Secondary School, etc. Schoolchildren of these schools can consider coming for lessons or rehearsals after school.
Willing to travel to VERY ADJACENT areas including the Wun Sha Street, Tung Lo Wan Road, 1-60 Tai Hang Road, Tai Hang & Tin Hau areas. Other than these areas please refrain from enquiring. Thank you for your attentions.
上課地點:大坑道頭, 中央圖書館後面。銅鑼灣/天后區。 有訪客車位。
位置鄰近多間著名學校:包括香港真光中學,聖保祿學校, 皇仁書院,李陞 (大坑) 小學,何東中學等。學生放學後步行來只需1-10分鐘。
可上門教授地區:只限大坑道1-60號, 大坑(包括浣沙街,銅鑼灣道等屋苑,)天后區。其他免問!
如有查詢, 請電聯或whatsapp 本人 5500-5891
Welcome for enquiries by phone or whatsapp at 5500-5891
請注意:如果閣下選擇以whatsapp發問,一開始請註明閣下想學之科目及級數,以便本人報價及減少本人的問題數量。For enquiries by whatsapp, please initiate by kindly stating your required subject and level in order to reduce my questions. Thank you.