Joanna Chan
Type of MusicianMusic Tutor
Type of InstrumentPiano
Musician Overview
鋼琴老師 | 鋼琴演奏 | 學鋼琴資歷 :
* 畢業於澳洲南昆士蘭州大學的音樂系,主修鋼琴演奏, 以同屆最高榮譽畢業。
* 其中協奏曲演奏及鋼琴獨奏兩科均以High-distintion(最高榮譽)畢業。
* 師承榮獲澳洲七大最傑出音樂老師之一的 Professor Wendy Lorenz (澳洲音樂考試協會A.M.E.B之主考官)。
* 於1999 至 2001年間, 曾擔任香港中西區兒童合唱團之伴奏。
* 2005 年獲南昆士蘭州當地機構邀請, 於莫札特誕辰音樂會擔任表演嘉賓 。
* 於 2006 年獲當地最傑出演奏獎,並被當地傳媒報章採訪。
* 於 2008 年獲邀飛往法國巴黎,擔任該屆國際低音大提琴比賽之伴奏。
* 於2010年10月以伴奏身份獲邀到德國栢林擔任該屆低音大提琴比賽之伴奏。如有任何疑問,可立即提供以上所有資料證明,以供參考。
有意者請電 9314 6233 陳老師聯絡。Qualification and Acknowledgement :
Ms Chan gained her Bachelor of Music degree at the University of Southern Queensland and graduated with high-distinction in both piano performance and concerto study.
She learned from professor Wendy Lorenz, who was also one of the Federal Examiners in the Australian Music Examination Board (A.M.E.B).
In 2005, Ms Chan was invited to perform in the Celebration of Mozarts Birthday Concert in Southern Queensland, Australia.
In 2006, she was awarded for the MOST OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE in the local concerto concert and was interviewed by the local newspaper.
In 2008, Ms Chan was invited as an accompanist to play in the international doublebass competition held in the Paris Conservatory.
In October 2010, she was invited as an accompanist to play in the international doublebass help in Berlin.
All of the above information can be provided immediately as request.
I have a lot of experience in both teaching and performance.
Any level and age are welcome. Lessons can be conducted in Cantonese, Mandarin or English.
Please feel free to contact Ms Chan (9314 6233) for any further enquires.