Type of MusicianMusic Tutor
Type of InstrumentPiano
DistrictShatin District
Musician Overview
‧ 英國皇家音樂學院鋼琴系
‧ 鋼琴演奏專業文憑(LTCL)
‧ 鋼琴演奏專業文憑(ATCL)
-師承 Professor Andrew Ball, Professor Frank Wibaut
-多位學生考Merit 及 distinction以上
鋼琴導師 - 李老師
電話/whatsapp: +852 60313357Biography:
Rachel is a classical pianist from Hong Kong and she studied at the Royal College of Music with scholarship. Rachel started learning the piano at the age of 5 and passed the DiPalma ATCL Piano Exam (Associate) with distinction, 80/100 when she was 13 years old. One year later, she passed the diploma LTCL Piano exam (Licentiate) with distinction, 92/100.
Rachel has won prizes in various piano competitions, she won the 1st Prize in 13th Hong Kong (Asia Pacific) Piano Competition, Gold medal in 2012 Hong Kong Youth Piano Contest and The Shirley Cattarall Award for Piano and 1st runner up in the open group of Deutschland und China-Gemeinsam in Bewegung, champion in 61st and 62nd Hong Kong Schools Music Festival.
Rachel studied under Mr Chan Siu Fun, the consultant of Trinity Exam Board who is also the chief of the Education Department of Parsons Music for one year. She also studied with Professor Andrew Ball, Head of Keyboard at Royal College of Music for two years. Subsequently at the age of 19 Rachel was awarded a scholarship to study in Royal Collee of Music. She was also offered a place with scholarship from Royal Holloway, University of London for Bachelor of Music.
Rachel was then studying under the international pianist and teacher, Professor Frank Wibaut who was formerly the Head of Postgraduate Performance Studies at the Royal College of Music and Royal Academy of Music, who has given his 504th performance of Beethoven’s Emperor Concerto but, has now stopped counting. Rachel is a really hardworking and ambitious pianist and her target is to be a famous concert pianist in the future.
聯絡人: Miss Li
聯絡電話: 60313357