Ms. NG Sze Sze 吳斯斯
吳斯斯 Ms. NG Sze Sze
吳斯斯先後畢業於香港浸會大學音樂及藝術系及香港中文大學音樂文學碩士課程,主修鋼琴演奏及教學法。在校期間,先後師隨洪昶及馬驄老師學習鋼琴, 並且跟隨鍾裕森博士及梁靜宜女士學習古鍵琴和聲樂。吳氏熱衷於音樂教學及演奏,曾為浸會大學女聲合唱團擔任鋼琴伴奏,前往上海、美國和加拿大等地演出。由2005年開始加入新世紀青年管弦樂團擔任鋼琴首席, 曾於香港大會堂及文化中心音樂廳擔任獨奏, 與樂團合奏蓋希文之<<藍色狂想曲>>及蕭斯達科維奇之第二號鋼琴協奏曲, 深獲好評。
除鋼琴演奏外, 吳氏曾獲選為「海外傑青匯中華」之香港代表。另於2009年與友人創辦無伴奏合唱團ORANGE A CAPPELLA,積極推廣音樂至普羅大眾,該團過去一年曾獲邀前往亞洲不同地區參與多個音樂及藝術節,其中包括日本、新加坡、台灣及澳門等等。
Ng received her professional musical training at the Music Department of Hong Kong Baptist University, she obtained her degree, majoring piano performance and pedagogy under the tutelage of Hung Chong and Ma Cong. Ng is also a master graduate from the Music Department of Chinese University of Hong Kong. Ng has developed a dual career as both a teacher and a performer, she began being the principal pianist of the Millennium Youth Orchestra, and also appeared as soloist with the orchestra. In 2008, she successfully performed Gershwin “Rhapsody in Blue” at the concert hall of Hong Kong City hall and Shostakovich Piano Concerto No.2 in the concert hall of Hong Kong Cultural Centre.
Besides piano performance, Ng has been selected to be the delegate of Hong Kong to join the 9th China Synergy Programe for Outstanding Youth in 2008. Moreover, Ng is keen on contemporary a cappella music, she is one of the founders of the local group, ORANGE A CAPPELLA, the group has been invited to perform in the numerous music and art festivals among Asia cities such as Japan, Singapore and Macau.
聯絡電話: 6824 5501
教室地址: 北角渣華道8號威邦商業中心5樓505室(城市花園側)