Heywood Mok
Alice Chan Yuen-yu started playing violin at the age of 9 and has fallen in love with music ever since. Being a sixth grader, she attained Grade 8 violin certificate of the Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music and then passed both ATCL and LTCL exams of Trinity College London with Distinction. Upon graduation from Diocesan Girls’ School, Alice was admitted to Hong Kong Baptist University through “Music Talent Development Programme”, and obtained Diploma in Musical Studies as well as Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Music. She has been engaged in various class formation in addition to private lessons. Her footsteps can be found in public schools, including King George V School (ESF), Kowloon School (ESF), Clearwater Bay School (ESF), Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin), Munsang College Kindergarten etc.
Apart from teaching, Alice is an active orchestral player. She is currently a violinist in Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra. Being a frequent guest player of various orchestras, Alice has been receiving invitation to different parts of the world as violinist and violist. She has performed in Britain, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Thailand, South Korea, Hong Kong, and other main cities in Mainland China.
自9歲起學琴,陳苑瑜早於小學階段已考獲小提琴8級,其後更以優異成績取得英國聖三一音樂學院 ATCL 和 LTCL演奏文憑。於拔萃女書院畢業後,陳氏通過 “音樂專才計劃” 入讀浸會大學音樂系,取得音樂文憑及音樂文學士(榮譽)學位。 陳氏熱衷教學,至今已有超過10年教授團體及個人課經驗,累積學生人數逾300人。
陳氏曾在多間學校和機構任教,當中包括:英皇佐治五世學校 King George V School (ESF) 、九龍小學Kowloon Junior School (ESF) 、清水灣小學Clearwater Bay School (ESF) 、中華基督教會基華小學(九龍塘)、沙田蘇浙公學、民生幼稚園等。她現任教於葉氏兒童音樂實踐中心及多間中學。教授語言為廣東話、英文和普通話。 除教學外,陳氏亦是一名活躍的小提琴和中提琴演奏者,曾受邀到倫敦、維也納、薩爾斯堡、萊比錫、慕尼黑、布拉格、曼谷、南韓及中國多個主要城市演出。
City Chamber Orchestra Hong Kong. He performs frequently as a soloist and chamber or orchestra player. He performed in major venues in Hong Kong, Mainland China, United Kingdom, France, Germany and Austria.
Awarded the LTCL Diploma in violin of Trinity College London, Heywood has various teaching experiences in different schools and organizations. Some recent positions include the Summer Music workshop of the Music Office (LCSD) teacher, Yao Jue Music Academy teacher and St. John’s Primary School String Orchestra conductor. Currently, he teaches in Yip's Children's Choral and Performing Arts Centre, Yew Chung International School, "Jockey Club Power of Music Programme" and some other schools. He also conducts Tai Pak Memorial School String Orchestra.
Heywood Mok studied music in Hong Kong Baptist University and received the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Music and Master of Arts in Young Children Music. He furthered his studies in Goldsmiths, University of London and obtained the Master of Music in Violin Performance.
